Location Finder delays due to Baby

Thought I thought I was going to be able to continue working at my previous pace, however, as we approach March 19th I found my wife has several things that she needs to have done before the baby arrives. This has pushed back my schedule dramatically. I will be getting back to the Location Finder project shortly afterward though. [Read more...]

LocationFinder 0.9.3 is up

That's embarrassing. I told myself the last time that I need to install the release myself before posting, and with a dozen people in the house for a baby shower and wanting to meet my deadline, I popped into my office and zipped up the build tree and did it again. [Read more...]

Location Finder needs changes for PHP 4

PHP 5 changed and retired the old method names for DOMDocument from PHP 4. If you're running PHP 4, bookmark my site and check back. I need to setup a test environment and make the callback script work with PHP 4. [Read more...]

Location Finder 0.9.2beta1

Over 300 downloads so far, and not one bit of feedback. If you download the beta and it fixes the problem where you search for a location (that you know is there) and nothing comes up, let me know! I need your feedback! [Read more...]