Optimizing web performance with GlusterFS

'More often than I would like, someone with twenty or more web servers servicing tens of thousands of page hits per hour comes into #gluster asking how to get the highest performance out of their storage system. They''ve only just now come to the realization that storage is slow, only because it''s been exacerbated by adding a network layer. The short answer: You don''t.' [Read more...]

Should I use Stripe on GlusterFS?

'Frequently I have new users come into #gluster with their first ever GlusterFS volume being a stripe volume. Why? Because they''re sure that''s the right way to get better performance.' [Read more...]

Amazon.com In Reverse

Amazon has built a huge business listing everything imaginable. They have successfully built a brand where you know you can go to find anything. It's a good move for what Bezos intended. [Read more...]

Not the kind of support I give...

'I had a problem where /lib/dri/r600_dri.so was left behind on a x86_64 system during an upgrade from F14 to F15 using the Anaconda DVD upgrade. Not noticing this was a 32 bit app, when I couldn''t figure out why the error message was showing up from a line number that didn''t correlate with the source code, I played around with using rawhide packages and seeing if that changed anything. When it didn''t, I asked a question on #fedora. Now I know that both #fedora and #centos are run by people with no manners and god complexes, but I did it anyway.' [Read more...]